Visa Purchasing Card

Pay business costs the easy way.

Before purchasing this product, GlobeVenturePlc strongly recommends that you view all of the terms and conditions below.


Secure Shopping Online

When you shop online with your business card, we may need to confirm it’s you, by using the GlobeVenturePlc Authenticator app.

Manage expenses

A Visa Purchasing card helps you manage your purchasing spend so you always know where your business stands. It also means you can avoid using petty cash and cheques for those everyday low value transactions.

Control your account

360 Control is an online management information reporting tool which compliments the GlobeVenturePlc Business & Corporate Card Suite. It simplifies accounting, workflow and back-office tasks.

Single monthly payment

One monthly direct debit covers payment for all transactions, removing the need to use cash or issue cheques for purchases.

Protection while abroad

Credit card lost or stolen while abroad? Access up to US $5,000 replacement cash on an emergency basis in most countries (subject to available Credit Limit, fees and charges may apply). You will be required to provide proof of identification when collecting replacement money.

Card Liability Waiver Insurance

Card Liability Waiver Insurance may offer protection to your business from liability of card misuse by employees to whom you provide a business card. Terms and Conditions apply. 

Visa Purchasing card at a glance

No annual fee. Government stamp duty of €30 is charged annually per card.

  • Online account management
  • Employee single transaction limit
  • Contactless payments
  • Emergency cash when abroad
  • Protection with Card Liability Waiver Insurance
  • Replaces petty cash and cheques